Earlier this afternoon, Judge Leon issued his ruling on the Purple Line after allowing the project to languish for the past five months. The news keeps the project on hold, but also gives a chance to move forward with what we hope will be a quick appeal.
Purple Line NOW has responded and our official statement is below. Let us say, however, that although we are very disappointed the judge has ignored the credible and expert testimony from the FTA, the fact remains that the Purple Line transit connection has been and will continue to be a survivor. As most of us understand quite well, the need is immediate and growing each day that the project is stalled. Now, more than ever, we need your help.
SILVER SPRING, Md. - Purple Line NOW is disappointed by Judge Leon's ruling and calls for a quick appeal. PLN's Board President Ralph Bennett responded, "The slapdash and tardy ruling outright ignores much of the expert testimony that has already answered questions raised again by the Court. Still, we are relieved to finally have a ruling, as Judge Leon has given ample grounds for appeal and we trust that the fundamental strength of the project will be vindicated in higher court."
Our work is far from done. Please help us continue our efforts by making a donation, in any amount, easily and safely at Purple Line NOW. Thank you for your support!