We are taking questions in advance for our panelists at tomorrow night's forum. You may submit questions even if you are unable to attend. We will get to as many questions as we can during the event and we will share the answers on our website and in a future newsletter, too!
Please send questions to Christine Scott, [email protected] TODAY!
FINAL REMINDER: If you haven't registered for your virtual seat at the forum (tomorrow night, Thursday, August 20, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm), please use the link below to register. All attendees must register in advance.
Come and listen to these terrific folks and be inspired by what is coming down the track for our community once we take that first Purple Line ride!
We are pleased to announce that the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) will also be joining our line up of elected officials, planners, and business leaders from both counties. A big thank you to each of them!
- Casey Anderson, Chair, Montgomery County Planning Board
- Vicki Davis, President, Urban Atlantic Development
- The Honorable Andrew Friedson, Montgomery County Council Member (District 1)
- The Honorable Dannielle M. Glaros, Prince George’s County Council Member (District 3)
- Vernon G. Hartsock, PMP, Acting Project Director, Transit Development & Delivery, MTA
- Kipling Reynolds, AICP, Division Chief, Community Planning Prince George's County Planning Department
- John L. Ziegenhein, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Chevy Chase Land Company and Justin Kennell, Development Manager, Bozzuto Development Company
Please Help Us Continue These Events!
In order for us to provide these events for you at no cost, we rely on donations from the community. We appreciate all donations, small or large. The DONATE link below will take you directly to our donation page. Thank you, thank you for your help in making this event a success!