In today's edition of Purple Line NOW News, here's what you'll find:
- What's Happening at PLN?
- Input Needed - 100th Issue of Purple Line NOW Coming Soon!
- Please Consider Becoming a Donor to PLN
- Purple Line in the News
- Features & Highlights
- Silver Spring Arts & Entertainment District Seeks Input
- Quebec Terrace and New Hampshire Estates Community Discussion Held
- Article: Preparing Transit for the Future of Work
- Construction News
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
- Article: Lessons from Maryland Purple Line's Amended Contract
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Input Needed for our 100th Issue of Purple Line NOW!
It is hard to believe, but we will be publishing our 100th issue of Purple Line NOW News in early summer! We are planning a commemorative issue and want to take a stroll (ride?!) back to the beginning of the project, specifically the early days of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
If you were around these parts back then and have photos, an anecdote or two, or even a memory of the work that went into imagining an east-west light rail train, finding support from elected officials, applying for federal funding, or any other hurdle (or achievement), PLEASE send them our way!
We have been receiving some awesome documents, pictures, and memories, so please keep them coming. We will include as many as we can in the issue. Send to Christine Scott, Executive Director at [email protected]. Thank you!
Help Us Continue Our Work - Become a Donor!
**If you do not see your name on our donors' list, we hope you will consider helping us continue our work!**
We use every donation we receive to continue our newsletter, continue offering regular webinars, continue being a strong liaison to help connect you to people who can solve your issues, and continue our strong advocacy for the project in every way possible. If you would like to know more about who we are, why we are asking for donations, and what we do with your gift once it arrives on our doorstep, you can read all about it in our November newsletter.
Thank you so much for your consideration! Unless you tell us otherwise, your name will be listed on our website and in publications for a year following your donation.
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Bousquin, J., "The Dotted Line: Lessons from the Maryland Purple Line's amended contract." Construction Dive, 29 March 2022.
Caros, N., "Preparing Transit for the Future of Work." ENO Transportation Weekly, 18 March 2022.
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Silver Spring Arts & Entertainment District Seeks Input
Do you live in or around Silver Spring? The Silver Spring Arts and Entertainment District is asking for the public to fill out a survey "to help guide the district as it goes through the process of getting a second 10-year redesignation from the state."
They would like input on a series of questions about which aspects of the district would be most interesting (for example, cinema, music, dance, etc.), as well as what residents value the most about Silver Spring. You can find their survey by clicking the link.
Quebec Terrace and New Hampshire Estates Community Discussion Held
On March 23, a community discussion with residents of Quebec Terrace and New Hampshire Estates was held and featured speakers from Action in Montgomery and the Purple Line Corridor Coalition. Read through the Twitter thread to learn more about their discussion, what excites the group about the coming Purple Line, what concerns residents have, and ways to keep housing affordable.
Preparing Transit for the Future of Work
Although this op-ed, which appeared in the Eno Transportation Weekly, is not Purple Line-specific, it does provide a look ahead at what may change with regard to transit in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially as it pertains to the changing needs of the workforce, one in which many are transitioning to remote or hybrid workplace situations. Written by Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate PhD student, Nick Caros, the article goes on to say, "As many agencies begin to restore service that was cancelled during the pandemic, emphasis should be placed on delivering routes and schedules that can be adjusted quickly to capture the new demand patterns of remote workers." (Caros, N., "Preparing Transit for the Future of Work." ENO Transportation Weekly, 18 March 2022.)
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Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
Did you know that the MDOT MTA Purple Line contract incorporates a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program? You can learn more by viewing this helpful video. The DBE assists small business in participating in the Purple Line project, which gives them an opportunity to grow and expand, and potentially gain access to funding opportunities.
Lessons from Maryland Purple Line's Amended Contract
An article from Construction Dive offers keen insight on how the Purple Line Public-Private Partnership (P3) may impact future projects. According to the article, which largely aligns with the changes MDOT MTA has made with the new contract, emphasizes that the issues that plagued the Purple Line will be studied in most, if not all, future P3 projects. One of the biggest issues with the original contract was that it allowed the builder to walk away without fault if there was a delay of more than a year, a clause that has been removed in the new contract. "Construction attorneys say the modified public-private partnership (P3) agreement has the potential to set precedent for other closely watched public works projects, particularly as funds from the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act flow to the states." (Bousquin, J., "The Dotted Line: Lessons from the Maryland Purple Line's amended contract." Construction Dive, 29 March 2022.)
Photos from Around the Corridor
Thanks to MDOT MTA for the following photos and thanks to the hardworking Purple Line crews!
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