We are asking an important favor - Purple Line NOW needs your assistance in raising financial support. We are a bare bones operation. Today, with about $5,000 remaining in our operating budget, Purple Line NOW needs your help - we hope you will continue your leadership by donating. Please read on to see the impact PLN is making in our community - including a brand new forum in late September (details coming soon!)
Specifically, here's how you can help:
- Become a sponsor of our Envisioning the Purple Line Series - your name will be listed alongside these terrific sponsors.
- Consider becoming our Presenting Sponsor (donation level: $5,000). You will be highlighted at our forums, on our website, and at the top of the marquee at all of our venues. Please contact Christine Scott ([email protected]) if you are interested.
- Consider a donation of airline miles! Purple Line NOW has agreed to host an expert from the Denver Eagle project to headline our September forum and we need your help to defray those transportation costs.
As you know, the project has come a long way, and its realization is coming more rapidly than many of us ever thought possible. Our position at the moment raises important questions:
- Where do we go from here?
- Is there more that Purple Line NOW can do to assure the project arrives at the station on time and on budget?
- Can we assist the community by providing education, leadership, and a place to discuss best practices, plans, and insights from those making the project a reality and those who are affected by it?
- And finally, can we connect the residents in our community affected most by the upcoming construction to their elected officials, project leadership, and others who can help smooth the way for an easier transition?
The answer we hear from you is a resounding YES! Purple Line NOW's work is not done - there is more to do to ensure the best project possible for our community. Many of you took part in the first two of our year-long Envisioning the Purple Line forums, both were extremely well attended, covered extensively by the media, and reinforced Purple Line NOW as a primary resource for the community, the media, and for those wanted to know more about the project.
With your help, planning is already underway for the next two events:
- A Best Practices Forum in which members of the Denver Eagle project will be help us get a better idea of what our community can do to assure the best possible outcome for the project, hurdles to be aware of, ideas to borrow, and ways to keep the community informed during construction. We will need funds to bring people associated with this first in the nation major transportation project constructed with a public private partnership to Maryland.
- What kind of jobs will be available as Purple Line construction gets underway? How can people seek them? What is the timeline for the project? A forum set in the Takoma Langley Crossroads area will bring together the community, county officials and the Purple Line builders to highlight opportunities associated with this exciting venture.
You already know we survive on a very slim budget (well under $20,000 a year) and that funding goes to pay our quarter-time executive director, create and direct all of our events, manage our excellent website, provide email information to a large constituency, keep the press updated about the positive aspects, provide speakers for testimony, community groups, and small group meetings, provide flyers, brochures, and many other informational pieces to the general public, and often be the clearinghouse for community questions and fact-finding issues.
Now, I ask you to step up, once again, with a financial contribution to Purple Line NOW so we can continue our work.
Please contact us with questions or to chat about how much your financial support can help us. Thank you for all you do for Purple Line NOW!