We wanted to alert you to HB 540, a bill that Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins (Montgomery County, District 20) has introduced regarding the State Income and Property Tax Credits – Purple Line Construction Zone.
The House Ways and Means Committee will hear the bill THIS Thursday, February 20, at 1 pm.
The bill allows “certain qualified businesses impacted by the construction of the Purple Line light rail project in Montgomery County and Prince George's County a credit against the State income tax and State property tax; requiring the Department of Transportation to determine the eligible amount of the income tax credit; making the income tax credit refundable; requiring the Department to administer the income tax credit; requiring the Department to make determinations and implement processes relevant to certifying qualified businesses.”
We need your help to make sure this bill gets passed this year! Please:
- Forward this Action Alert to impacted businesses, community listserves, and email lists.
- Take a moment to support this bill by contacting one of the following Delegates who are co-sponsors on the bill – hearing from you helps!
Delegate Anne Kaiser (Montgomery County, District 14)
Chair, House Ways and Means Committee
([email protected]) -
Alonzo Washington, (Prince George’s County, District 22)
Vice Chair, House Ways and Means Committee ([email protected]) -
Jheanelle Wilkins (Montgomery County, District 20)
([email protected])
Delegate Anne Kaiser (Montgomery County, District 14)
You can read the full bill here: HB 540 and follow its progress here.
We will continue to update you as the bill makes its way through the House. Make sure you are signed up for timely alerts from Purple Line NOW via our Twitter and Facebook pages, and at our website Purple Line NOW.