{{ recipient.first_name_or_friend }} --

Thank you for your donation. Purple Line NOW appreciates your generosity and will continue our efforts to make sure the line is built in a timely fashion. Because of donors like you, we are closer than we have ever been to riding the Purple Line within the next five years!

Here is a receipt for your records.

  {% if site.has_meta_image? %}{% endif %}
{{ site.long_name }}
Donation Receipt
Confirmation # {{ donation.id }}
{% if donation.employer.size > 0 %}{% endif %} {% if donation.occupation.size > 0 %}{% endif %}
Donor {{ donation.name }}
Address {{ donation.billing_address.one_line }}
Phone {{ donation.billing_address.phone }}
Email {{ donation.email }}
Employer {{ donation.employer }}
Occupation {{ donation.occupation }}
{{ donation.amount_format }}
Date {{ donation.succeeded_at | date_to_string }}
Type {{ donation.payment_type_name }}
This donation is {% if donation.merchant_account.is_taxable? == true %}not{% endif %} tax deductible.