Do You Have a Question for Our Forum Panelists?
We hope you have registered for the Purple Line Status Update forum on May 4 with Maryland's Secretary of Transportation, Gregory Slater. If not, there is still time to do so -- click the green button below to register now. As always, the event is free and open to the public and press, but you must register in advance as capacity is limited. We will be recording this event, so if we do fill all of our seats, the recording will be available to view at a later date.
IMPORTANT: We are taking questions in advance for our terrific panel, so send yours in to [email protected] before Monday at noon and we will do our best to get as many answered as we can during Tuesday's event. If we run out of time, we will do our best to get you an answer post-event. All questions must be submitted in advance, so send 'em in!
Please plan to join us virtually next Tuesday, May 4 from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm.
Join us to hear Maryland Secretary of Transportation, Gregory Slater, who will bring us up-to-date on what's happening along the line, the timeline going forward, and other bits of interest to all of us who are eager to get to that first ride.
Secretary Slater's remarks will be followed by a panel discussion with key project leaders including:
- Doran Bosso, CEO, Purple Line Transit Partners
- Maricela Cordova, Purple Line Implementation Manager, Montgomery County Department of Transportation
- Matthew Pollack, MDOT MTA Executive Director of Transit Development and Delivery
- Victor Weissberg, Major Projects Manager, Office of the Director, Prince George’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation