Four teams of vendors submit cost bids for the Purple Line
Four teams of private companies submit bids to build, operate Purple Line - WASHINGTON.COM
The four teams of vendors just submitted their cost bids for the Purple Line. This comes on the heels of their technical bids in November. We'll find out details on the winning proposals when the state makes its choice early next year.
Exciting news in Bethesda!
Time is of the Essence for Redevelopment Project On Top of Future Bethesda Purple Line Station - BETHESDAMAGAZINE.COM
The Apex building sits over the tunnel to Purple Line's west end station. Reworking the building would allow for a better trail/bike connection but until recent developments the County and the building owners weren't able to reach an agreement. Nothing is guaranteed yet, but the news is promising.
"Harris said the developer is working to get the Apex Building demolished in time for Purple Line construction, which, according to a County Council staff analyst in attendance Monday, could start as soon as late 2016 or early 2017 and last for five years.
Since 2013, county and state officials have said razing the Apex Building would allow for the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) and a yet-to-be-picked team of private concessionaires to build a more expansive “optimal” design for the Purple Line station."
Purple Line Forum Series
We have some very exciting news for you!
Residents, businesses, and stakeholders located near the new transit line’s route are hungry for information about the Purple Line project. For over two decades, Purple Line NOW has brought together communities and decision-makers to advocate for the project. Over the next twelve months, this mission continues as PLN hosts an informative and innovative series of forums led by leading experts in their fields. The varied topics will provide useful information to those impacted by the line, and a path forward as the project gets ready to break ground in 2016! The events will be open and free to the public and the media, but first we are asking you, our most loyal supporters, to become a sponsor of the event now and ensure that your name will be on the invitations going out to the general public in mid-December. The first forum will take place in early January and the details, speakers, and location will be announced soon.
Envisioning the Purple Line Forums
A little bit about the series of forums - topics will include:
Economic Development In and Around College Park (Late January 2016)
What does the Purple Line mean for college students, the campus, and the surrounding community?
Getting the Purple Line Across the Federal Finish Line!
How does the federal transportation funding process work? Who is minding the store on this project to see that it advances?
What Opportunities Will the Purple Line Bring to Our Communities?
What are the economic benefits of light rail? What are the resources available for small businesses and communities, and how can we preserve and promote affordable housing options? What can we learn from other cities with successful light rail projects?
Understanding the Public Private Partnership
Maryland retains ownership and fare-setting authority on the Purple Line, but is relying on a private partner to design, build, operate, maintain, and finance it.
This signature series consisting of four separate forums is an ideal opportunity to connect with project stakeholders, as well as key leaders and community organizers. Historically, Purple Line NOW audiences are knowledgeable about light rail transit and community development, and dedicated to seeing the project through to successful completion. To become a sponsor, please click on this link: Sponsorship Information.
For more information, please contact: Christine Scott, Executive Director at [email protected] or call 301-500-0756.
Some Important Things to Know
- The Purple Line reaches another milestone this week the proposals were due in from the four concessionaire teams.
- The project has continued to pick up support as Del. Jeff Waldstreicher has now thrown his weight behind building the Purple Line.
- While not moving to full support, the Town of Chevy Chase will "no longer focus on outright opposition to the light-rail system."
- Maryland Transit Agency (MTA) received an award for excellence in the final environmental impact statement that described the projects expected ridership and ecological benefits.
Dates to Remember
- This coming Saturday, come join us and the Action Committee for Transit to form a Purple Line for the Silver Spring Thanksgiving parade! If you can make it, RSVP to [email protected].
- Passage of a Federal Transportation bill - a compromise appears likely, but the details are still being nailed out.
- On December 8th the financing bids are due from the concessionaires, which supplement the technical proposals that were submitted this week.
- In early 2016, the state of Maryland will select the winning team from the four concessionaires that made it to the second round.
- Once the winner is selected and the Federal Transit Administration government has finished their updated assessment of the project, the state and federal governments will reach a full funding grant agreement that will provision provide $900 million in matching funds.
- The project groundbreaking is expected in late 2016.
- Operations are scheduled to begin by 2021, but Maryland Transportation Secretary Pete Rahn has expressed an interest in a faster start if possible.
Thanks for all you do in an effort to get the Purple Line rolling in the near future! We hope to see you at one (or all) of the forums in 2016!