Purple Line NOW Sends Best Wishes to Governor Hogan
Governor Hogan,
We are shocked and saddened by the news you revealed today. We wish you all the strength, good spirits and good luck as you go forward with what we certainly hope will be successful treatment. And we wish your family the best as they rally to help you through this experience.
We appreciate the spirit you have brought to the office and look forward to resuming our discussions of important issues for Maryland in the future. Thank you for your candor and your courage.
Purple Line NOW
Documents Reveal Anti-Purple Line Lobbying Strategy
Bethesda Beat has reported that the town of Chevy Chase has paid over half a million dollars to lobbyists who will work to sabotage Maryland, regardless of what the Governor decides:
"If Hogan approves the project, the Buchanan memo says its lobbyists would work aggressively to put “obstacles” in the surface transportation bill.
“We would work to include obstacles to make securing the necessary Transportation Infrastructure and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loans very difficult for MTA and/or their chosen concessionaire(s),” the memo reads.
This is the part they admit to in public! Imagine what else they're up to.
Md. transportation chief reportedly backs Purple Line if cost is lowered
Sec. Rahn reportedly recommends building the line with $300 million in cuts and transferring costs to the counties.
Canceling the Purple Line would cost more than it would save
There's a reason that cancelling shovel ready projects like the Purple Line is unprecedented in Maryland history. It throws aways billions of investment in the state's economy while only freeing up a portion of the cost (under 23% and a large chunk of that is county money). That investment is predicted to create 27,000 new permanent jobs, bring 90,000 people w/in a half mile of the transit for the first time, and boost annual incomes by $2.2 billion. (http://t4america.org/2015/05/06/the-red-purple-transit-lines-in-maryland-would-position-maryland-for-long-term-economic-success/)